Learning hackathons for students

If you are a student looking to get ready for the digital age and obtain valuable knowledge to get employed by the best companies you are on the right website. We work with well known employers and promising start-up companies in order to create a bridge between companies and university students.

In order to learn and get a job on our platform students must participate in at least one of the available hackathons. Each hackathon will provide a challenge and a few preparatory lessons. At the end students will create a video pitch based on a project. Employers will select the students by evaluating their pitches and projects. You may learn more about our process here. Please read bellow about our hackathons.

2. Tech hackathons


CYBERLLENCE INOVATIE S.R.L. organizează un hackathon gratuit cu prezență fizică destinat studenților care sunt înscriși în cadrul facultăților din București cu accent pe studenții de la programele de licență care se află la...

2. Tech hackathons


S.C. NXP SEMICONDUCTORS ROMANIA S.R.L. va organiza un hackathon gratuit online pentru  studenții care sunt înscriși în cadrul facultăților din București cu accent pe studenții din  domeniul tehnic. Acesta urmează să se...

1. Business Hackathons


ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA organizes the free DATA ENGINEERING HACKATHON between February-May 2023. At the end of the hackathon, the participants who will stand out will have the opportunity to work in the field of...

1. Business Hackathons


ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA will be organizing the SAP FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT free hackathon during February-May 2023. After the course, the best students are hired by the company and have the opportunity to have a...

1. Business Hackathons


ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA launches in February-May 2023 the free hackathon SAP LOGISTICS CHALLENGE. The hackathon is organized for students who are interested in working in the field of consultancy. Registration is...

2. Tech hackathons

Automatizarea proceselor SAP®

În perioada octombrie – noiembrie 2022, BearingPoint România – companie de consultanță de management și de tehnologie – organizează gratuit hackathon-ul “Automatizarea proceselor SAP®” care oferă studenților...